Yerevan Boxing Championships Report Update (November 1, 2022)
On October 6, 2022, McLaren Global Sport Solutions (MGSS) delivered its report on the officiating at the Yerevan EUBC Men’s Elite boxing championships (21 and 31 May 2022) to the IBA.
MGSS conducted this independent investigation of a EUBC-sponsored event at the request of the IBA to avoid any perceived conflicts of interest if the EUBC investigated itself.
To protect the integrity of the contents of the report and the sensitive disciplinary recommendations it contains, the report has not been made public. The IBA Board of Directors will deliberate on the recommendations contained in the report at its directors’ meeting on November 5, 2022.
Yerevan Boxing Championships Report Update (November 1, 2022)
On October 6, 2022, McLaren Global Sport Solutions (MGSS) delivered its report on the officiating at the Yerevan EUBC Men’s Elite boxing championships (21 and 31 May 2022) to the IBA.
MGSS conducted this independent investigation of a EUBC-sponsored event at the request of the IBA to avoid any perceived conflicts of interest if the EUBC investigated itself.
To protect the integrity of the contents of the report and the sensitive disciplinary recommendations it contains, the report has not been made public. The IBA Board of Directors will deliberate on the recommendations contained in the report at its directors’ meeting on November 5, 2022.